Prime Air

jack sanchez
1 min readMar 15, 2021

Over the past century we have all seen first hand how fast technology is growing. From cellular devices in the palm of our hands to cars with iPads in them that are capable of driving themselves. The world has truly shown no slowing down and it makes me wonder, are we even ready for this? Yes, technology can benefit our lives in many ways such as medicine and health but when is too far too far? Amazon announced that they will now be able to deliver packages five pounds or under directly to your door step in no more than 30 minutes. Should this be legal? If your answer is yes, what restrictions or regulations should be put on these drones so things don’t go sideways?

The first thing that pops into my head is privacy. People privacy must be protected and in order for these drones to fly it needs to have some sort of camera to allow it to see where it is going. If it is delivering a package and a neighbor is in their backyard and wishes not to be seen at that particular time, who must the neighbor take it up with to ban these packages because privacy is not being respected. Although this system can be effective, i believe that it might cause more harm than success. Amazon already is brilliant at delivering packages on time and efficiently, with little or no discrepancies. I believe this will only hurt amazons reputation and potentially get them in some lawsuits.

